Monday, June 25, 2007

"Gettin' Small"

"Gettin' Small": "There was a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth, when the environment could accommodate and support gigantic reptiles. That environment changed. The dinosaurs died. Ants didn’t.

A similarly cataclysmic change continues to reshape the global business environment. The extraordinary evolution of the Web has changed how businesses relate to that environment, and to customers, partners, competitors as it redefines the enterprise. That the pace of this change continues to accelerate poses an increasingly significant threat to any company with too much in common with the doomed dinosaur—better to be more like a swarm of tenacious ants. Better to get small."

Monday, August 08, 2005

Book reveiw: TWO TRAINS RUNNING by Andrew Vachss

After a lengthy hiatus from writing reviews for Book Reporter, I was happy to jump back in when offered the opportunity to read Andrew Vachss's latest, TWO TRAINS RUNNING.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Sometimes a gamble pays off - TORPEDO JUICE by Tim Dorsey

When BookReporter sends out its list of books available for review, I often like to gamble and pick books based solely on their titles. Sometimes this strategy really pays off, as was the case with Torpedo Juice. Good stuff.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 - FALSE START by Terry Pluto - THE GOOD GUYS by Bill Bonanno and Joe Pistone, with David Fisher

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

It's New, It's Improved, It's Christmas.

This one is a reprint of a piece that was included in the 1997 anthology There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays. The publishing company went out of business a few years ago, but apparently the books are still available.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Strike a Pose

Strike A Pose

Latest column for Cool Cleveland.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Book Review: The Man Called Cash - THE MAN CALLED CASH by Steve Turner

Yet another review for BookReporter.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Cool Cleveland - The Source for News

Life at the Drive-in That Refuses to Die

Another Cool Cleveland column.

I had so much fun talking to Judy Kissel and Dave Shaw, the subjects of this column. Their interaction during the interview was as entertaining as any Jack Lemmon-Walter Mathau scene from a Neil Simon picture. The sarcastic quips and good-natured barbs fly like bullets in an exchange of automatic weapons fire. And it couldn't be any more obvious that they enjoy what they do. That's a wonderful thing to see these days.

Wednesday, July 07, 2004

Fabulous Revitalization Plan for Cleveland

Cool Cleveland - Fabulous Revitalization Plan for Cleveland

Yet another column for Cool Cleveland.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Rush Hour, Minus the Rush

Saturday, June 12, 2004


This review of Marion Meade's wonderful book includes an unfortunate typo that transforms the word "public" into the word "pubic." In this particular context, refering as it does to Zelda Fitzgerald, one could argue that the sentence works either way. She was, after all, the archetype for the 20s Flapper, an unfortunate distinction that apparently blinded many to her considerable literary skills.

I've asked my editor at BookReporter to fix the problem.

Oh, brother...

Saturday, May 01, 2004 - RADIO ACTIVITY by Bill Fitzhugh

Yet another review for

Wednesday, April 21, 2004 - IDEAL MARRIAGE by Peter Friedman

Another review for BookReporter.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

Friday, April 02, 2004

Cool Cleveland - The Source for News & Events in Cleveland, Ohio: Review: The Eclipse

Review of Antonella Gambotto's The Eclipse: A Memoir of Suicide.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Welcome the New Century

This editorial was written for and first appeared on Flashline. It was subsequently picked up for reprint by InformIT.

Friday, December 19, 2003

Weblog: The Key Differentiator

From my Flashline Weblog.

Weblog: Glad I didn't say that

From my Flashline Weblog.

Weblog: Riding the Snowball

A post from my Flashline Weblog.

Bob Rhubart: Welcome the New Century

A year-end editorial written for Flashline.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Monday, October 27, 2003